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TUTORIAL CorelDRAW: Getting Start Designing


"Learning by Doing"

Before we are going to discuss about how to design, we have to make sure that we understand the properties of the design we want to make. It is very important because designing without understanding the basic properties somehow will give a problem in the end. Based on my experience, the first thing that we have to know is the information of the design specifications, such as size, base color, purpose, etc. The information will lead us to the true foundation of the desired design.

Basic thing that you should know first before start designing is learn how to set the page and paper. Maybe it looks like just a simple thing that can be learned lastly, but there will be always appear some problems to in the end, somehow. So, instead of getting those problems in the end, it much easier if you understand the basic and getting to design smoothly.

Follow the step and you will understand.

Step 1
Open your CorelDRAW

Step 2
There will appear a window like this if your CorelDRAW is X7 version:

Because you have no design before, Click New Document to make new fresh page and workspace. If you already have some design, you can open it by Clicking Open Recent.

Step 3
This is the important step that have to be fulfilled clearly. In this window, you should fill the specification of your design, start from your document name till your design resolution

What is the purpose of your design? 
Poster? Invitation card? Banner? Web Banner? Cover book? 

This kind of question will lead you to get your size. If you have no purpose just click any size in the option. But, if your desired size is not available in the option, don't worry, you can put in your size into the box width and height. Also don't forget to choose the orientation of your page. The box below custom size is about the number of page, this is not to important because you can set it in the way making your design.

In order to ease your designing process, you have to make sure to choose the best units. If you have to make small size design, choose millimeters, however if you have to make large size design, choose meters. My tips, if you want to make design for website or something in the internet, choose the pixels units, it is the units that often used in the internet system.

Primary color mode is the very fundamental thing that you have to concern about. Because, if you want to print out your design, you should match the printer that be used with this option. If the setting is not match there will be some drift coloring. For example, your design has green color, but because of the different setting of primary color, your print out design has yellowish green color. 

Don't forget to choose the resolution of your design. Nevertheless, you must be considering some point because the size of your file will be as large as the resolution. 

Step 4
Click OK and get start designing

Download the PDF version

That is tips and trick for beginner that getting started designing with CorelDRAW. There are so many tools in CorelDRAW, want to know further?


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