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TUTORIAL CorelDRAW: Its About the Curve


Curve is kind of vector graphic. In general, it is a line or outline that gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of its length. There are two type of curve in graphic design, Open Curve and Closed Curve. Open Curve means that the curve has starting point and end point that is not connecting to each other or stand separately. While Closed Curve has no starting point and end point, and it makes loop shape.


Well, CorelDRAW is designed to draw digitally. It means that with this program we can draw anything digitally. Do you know that image is made from planes, and planes are made from curves. So, we can conclude that to draw an image or object we need to understand how to make curves. In other word, curve is the important thing that should be learned if you want to be great designer. Once you can understand and smoothly making any kind of curves and manipulating it, you can draw anything you want, and making money from this skill is not just a myth.


In the CorelDRAW, there is a pack of tools that are used to make and manipulating curves. Tools that can be used to manipulating Curve is Shape Tools, you can read article about Shape tools before continuing to learn about making Curve. Click this link to learn about Shape Tools

The pack of tools than can be used to making curves is Curves Tools. The fly-outs from this tools are:

  • 2-Point Line tool
  • Freehand tool
  • Bezier tool
  • Pen tool
  • B-Spline tool
  • Polyline tool
  • 3-Point Curve tool
  • Smart Drawing tool 

Once you mastered these tool, you will make your design much simple and accurate, also improve your span of your idea and creativity.


As you know that planes are made of curves, then curves are made of nodes. Before we talk about curves, we have to acknowledge about types of node first. 

Manipulating curves is about manipulating the nodes. Using Shape Tools, you can control the starting node, end node, transition node, control handle, and control point in order to get your desired shape. There are 4 kinds of nodes:
  • Smooth nodes
  • Symmetrical nodes
  • Cusp nodes
  • Line nodes

Smooth nodes is kind of node that make the curve become smooth. It means that if you want to make clearly smooth curve, the curve must be made by this node. While Cusp nodes is kind of node that sharpen the curve. In example, if you have rectangle curve, it means you have 4 cusp node. Symmetrical nodes are similar to smooth nodes. They create a smooth transition between line segments, but they also let you give the lines on both sides of node the same curved appearance. Line nodes will let you shape curve by changing the shape of their segments. In addition, you can make a curved segment straight or a straight segment curved.

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